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Washington state electric scooter laws: Full Guide

Washington State Electric Scooter Laws

Before you hop on an electric scooter and zoom around the streets of Washington, you need to be aware of the Washington state electric scooter laws that apply to this type of vehicle.

Electric scooters are not the same as bicycles, motorcycles, or cars, and they have their own set of rules and restrictions that you need to follow.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the Washington state electric scooter laws, covering topics such as registration, licensing, helmet requirements, speed limits, riding locations, parking rules, rental companies, and penalties for violations.

TopicKey Takeaway
Electric Scooter RegistrationElectric scooters do not need to be registered with the state of Washington. However, they must meet the state’s definition of a motorized foot scooter and adhere to equipment and safety criteria.
Electric Scooter LicensingNo driver’s license or permit is required to operate an electric scooter in Washington State. However, age restrictions and road regulations still apply.
Age RestrictionThere is no minimum age requirement for riding electric scooters in Washington state, but some local jurisdictions may impose age restrictions within their boundaries.
Speed LimitsThe maximum speed limit for electric scooters in Washington state is 15 mph on roadways and bike lanes. Riders must obey posted speed limits and adjust speed according to traffic conditions for safety.
Helmet LawsAll electric scooter riders in Washington state are required to wear helmets meeting ANSI, Snell Memorial Foundation, or CPSC standards.
Riding on Public RoadsElectric scooters are generally allowed on public roads in Washington state, except on strictly restricted limited access roads. A special permit is required for specific roadways.
Riding on Sidewalks and Bike LanesRiding electric scooters on sidewalks is generally prohibited in Washington state, except where permitted by local regulations. However, using bike lanes is allowed, with the 15 mph speed limit remaining in effect.
Penalties for ViolationsViolating Washington state electric scooter laws may result in fines ranging from $25 to $250, impoundment of the scooter, or suspension of the rider’s driver’s license, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.
Washington state electric scooter laws: Full Guide

Overview of Washington State Electric Scooter Laws

According to Washington state legislation, electric scooters are sometimes referred to as motorized foot scooters. Devices having two or three wheels, a handlebar, a floorboard for standing on while riding, and an electric motor with a maximum output of 1,500 watts are considered to be these.

Although not essential, electric scooters can come with a seat or saddle for the rider. Electric scooters differ from e-bikes, which feature pedals and an electric motor that helps the user but does not move the bicycle on its own.

The state of Washington provides a fundamental legal framework for electric scooters that is applicable throughout the whole state, but it also permits local governments (such as cities and counties) to implement their laws and guidelines for electric scooters inside their borders.

Electric Scooter Registration Requirements

If you need to register your electric scooter with the state or not is one of the first things you need to know about the regulations governing electric scooters in Washington.

You do not need to register your electric scooter in Washington State, is the response.

Electric scooters do not need a registration number or a license plate to be driven on sidewalks or public roadways, unlike motorcycles, mopeds, or vehicles.

This does not imply that you are free to ride any electric scooter you choose in Washington, though. You must still confirm that your electric scooter satisfies the state’s definition of a motorized foot scooter and meets the necessary equipment and safety criteria.

Electric Scooter Licensing Requirements

If you’re wondering whether you need a permit or a driver’s license to ride an electric scooter in Washington, that is another query you could have.

To operate an electric scooter in Washington State, the answer is no, neither a driver’s license nor a permit are required.

Electric scooters, unlike motorcycles and mopeds, do not need any type of license or endorsement from the Department of Licensing (DOL) to be used on sidewalks or public roadways.

This does not imply that everyone may use an electric scooter in Washington, though. The age limitations and road regulations that are relevant to electric scooters still apply to you.

Rules for Riding Electric Scooters in Washington

Now that you know that you do not need to register or license your electric scooter in Washington State, you may wonder what are the rules for riding an electric scooter in the state. There are several electric scooter rules and regulations that you need to follow when operating an electric scooter in Washington, depending on where and how fast you are riding.

Age restriction for Electric scooters in Washington State laws

According to the Washington state electric scooter laws, you must be at least 16 years old to ride an electric bike in Washington state.

However, this does not apply to electric scooters, which are also known as motorized foot scooters in Washington state law.

Electric scooters do not have a minimum age requirement in Washington state, but some local jurisdictions may impose their age restrictions for electric scooter riders within their boundaries.

Speed Limits and Operating Guidelines

The maximum speed limit for electric scooters in Washington state is 15 miles per hour (mph) on any roadway or bicycle lane. This means that you cannot go faster than 15 mph on any street or bike path where electric scooters are allowed.

However, this does not mean that you can always go 15 mph on any road or bike lane. You still need to obey the posted speed limits for other vehicles and adjust your speed according to the traffic conditions and the safety of yourself and others.

Rules for Riding Electric Scooters in Washington

Helmet Laws and Safety Measures

Washington state law requires all electric scooter riders to wear a helmet that meets or exceeds the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Snell Memorial Foundation, or the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

In addition to wearing a helmet, there are some other safety measures that you need to take when riding an electric scooter in Washington:

  • You must have a white headlight and a red reflector on the front and rear of your electric scooter, respectively. These lights and reflectors must be visible from at least 500 feet in front and behind you. You must use them at all times when riding an electric scooter, especially at night or in low visibility conditions.

  • You must not ride an electric scooter when it is dark, which is defined as 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise. This means that you cannot ride an electric scooter during the night time unless you have special permission from the local jurisdiction.

  • You must not ride an electric scooter while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This means that you cannot ride an electric scooter if you have consumed any substance that impairs your ability to operate the vehicle safely and legally.

Riding Electric Scooters on Public Roads

Where you may ride an electric scooter in Washington is one of the key queries you could have concerning the state’s rules governing them.

The reply is, It depends on the kind of road and the regional laws.

Except for strictly restricted limited access roads, you can generally use an electric scooter on any public road in Washington state.

These are freeways or interstates that only allow approved vehicles to drive on them due to ramps, barriers, signs, or signals. Unless you have a special permit from the state patrol, you are not permitted to use an electric scooter on certain roadways.

Riding Electric Scooters on Sidewalks and Bike Lanes

Unless there is no other way for an electric scooter to cross a sidewalk as part of a bicycle or pedestrian route, or if it is permitted by municipal regulation, you are not allowed to ride an electric scooter on any sidewalk in the state of Washington. However, under specific circumstances and restrictions, some municipal governments may permit using an electric scooter on sidewalks inside their borders.

On the other hand, electric scooter use on bike lanes is permitted by state law throughout all of Washington. This implies that you are permitted to operate an electric scooter in any bike lane in the state of Washington, where a bike lane is a section of the road that has been marked out for the preferential use of bicycles. The 15 mph speed limit remains in effect.

Penalties for Violating Electric Scooter Laws

Penalties for Violating Electric Scooter Laws

If you violate any of the Washington state electric scooter laws or in any local jurisdiction where you ride an electric scooter, you may face some penalties or consequences.


If you violate Washington state’s electric scooter restrictions, you might face a fine ranging from $25 to $250. The fine amount is determined by the nature and frequency of the infraction, as well as the discretion of the law enforcement officer or the court.

Riding an electric scooter without a helmet may result in a $25 violation, riding an electric scooter on a sidewalk may result in a $50 punishment, and riding an electric scooter while inebriated may result in a $250 fine.


If you break Washington state’s electric scooter legislation, a law enforcement officer or the local jurisdiction may seize your electric scooter. This means that your electric scooter will be seized and held in a safe location until you pay a fee to retrieve it. The cost of impounding an electric scooter varies based on the length and location of the impoundment, however, it typically ranges from $15 to $100 each day.

If you ride your electric scooter on a completely restricted limited access highway, it may be detained for 24 hours, or 30 days if you use it while inebriated.


If you break Washington state’s electric scooter rules, the Department of Licensing (DOL) may suspend your driver’s license. This implies you will be unable to drive any car in Washington state for an extended length of time. The suspension period will be determined by the type and number of offenses, as well as your driving record.

If you acquire four or more offenses in 12 months, your driver’s license may be suspended for 90 days, or one year, if you cause significant harm or death to another person while riding an electric scooter.

How to Stay Informed about Updates to Electric Scooter Laws

It is important to stay informed about any updates or changes to electric scooter laws in Washington state and in each local jurisdiction where you ride an electric scooter. You can do this by:

  • Checking the official websites of the state and local governments for any announcements or publications regarding electric scooter laws.

  • Contacting the state or local authorities directly for any questions or clarifications regarding Washington state electric scooter laws. You can call this number to reach the Department of Licensing (DOL) in Washington State, or this number to reach the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) in Seattle City.

  • Obtaining legal advice on electric scooter rules from a qualified attorney or legal professional with competence in traffic law or personal injury law. For instance, this website can help you locate a knowledgeable attorney in your area who can assist you with any legal concerns with electric scooters in Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I ride an electric scooter on highways or freeways in Washington?

No, electric scooters are not allowed on highways or freeways in Washington. They are meant for use on city streets and designated pathways.

Are there any restrictions on carrying passengers while riding an electric scooter?

Yes, it is generally prohibited to carry passengers on electric scooters in Washington. They are designed for single riders only.

Are there any specific rules for parking electric scooters in Washington?

Yes, electric scooters should be parked in designated areas or bike racks, ensuring they don’t obstruct pedestrian pathways.

Do I need insurance to ride an electric scooter in Washington?

While it’s not legally required, some cities or rental companies might ask for liability insurance for electric scooter rentals.


Electric scooters are a convenient and eco-friendly way of transportation that can offer many benefits to users.

However, they also come with some risks and responsibilities that users need to be aware of and comply with. Electric scooters are subject to various laws and regulations in Washington state and in each local jurisdiction where they operate.

These laws and regulations cover topics such as registration, licensing, helmet requirements, speed limits, riding locations, parking rules, rental companies, and penalties for violations.

Jhonn Guiral
Jhonn Guiral


Hey there, this is Jhonn, the enthusiastic founder of Top Electric Scooter! With boundless energy and an unquenchable passion for electric scooters, I've created a platform that radiates joy and excitement. At Top Electric Scooter, we're all about unleashing the thrill of zipping through the city streets on an eco-friendly ride. My mission is simple: to bring you the most electrifying scooters, expert advice, and a dash of contagious enthusiasm.

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